Time Base Settings
Prescaler Prescaler value
Period Autoreload value
Mode Counting direction
Clock division cares only about inputs to timer
Enable Start timer in init sequence
One Pulse Set One Pulse Mode
ARR Preload
Clear Flags Clears IRQ flags in init routine

Interrupt settings
IRQ Update Trigger Break COM Capture / Compare 1 Capture / Compare 2 Capture / Compare 3 Capture / Compare 4
DMA request
DMA Update Trigger Break COM Capture / Compare 1 Capture / Compare 2 Capture / Compare 3 Capture / Compare 4

Output compare
Channel 1 Output channels
Channel 2 Output channels
Channel 3 Output channels
Channel 4 Output channels

Input Capture
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4

Another functions
Output Trigger TRGO signal to other timers
Select Input Trigger Input in slave mode
Select Slave Mode
MSM bit Enable Delay at TRGI to perfect synchronization
Deinit Deinitialize timer before setup

External trigger config (ETR)

Encoder Interface
UseModeIC1 PolarityIC2 Polarity

ETR - PA0, PA5
CH1 - PA0
CH2 - PA1, PB3
CH3 - PA2, PB10
CH4 - PA3, PB11
F407 at full speed 84MHz
